Above, Mimi came in town to celebrate with Abraham! We enjoyed having her in Tacoma and always look forward to her next visit!
Below, we celebrated Abraham's actual birthday later that month. Jamil was on a trip, so the boys and I headed to a new park to enjoy a great view of the Puget Sound and the Gig Harbor Bridge. Tacoma has such fabulous parks. Titlow Park has easy hikes with great views, trains that pass by, playgrounds, and a spray park! The boys were in heaven and even stopped (for just a min) to bask in the glorious, summer sun.
Sweet Abraham,
You are one tough cookie with such a soft and lovable heart! I love your affectionate nature and playful spirit. It is clear that you are growing into a genuine and thoughtful little boy as you constantly remind me to think of others, especially your brother. You remember peoples names and all kinds of details, even when I have no idea your little ears are listening. On the flip side, you love screaming and wrestling! There was a time when your screams had me running to your rescue, only to find you happily playing. We're strongly working on letting go of the scream, but I've found that it's simply an innocent form of expression that I'm not sure you have the developmental self control to avoid. You express your affection for others with running bear hugs and unexpected piggy back rides. Again, we'll work on some self control to avoid throwing Papa's back out, but I hope to see this uncensored and pure form of love throughout your years.
After visiting Medieval Times in Texas, your heart was set on having a knight birthday party. You sure do love a great party but aren't too keen on being the center of attention. Your little chin slowly disappears into your chest, eyes peeking up, each year when the birthday song begins and all eyes are on you. Whether it's a new school or swim class, you are super cautious and prefer to watch and evaluate before jumping in. I've learned to respect your process while still giving you a little nudge or some tough love to help you along the way. Some might call this shy, but those who know you well would more than likely disagree. Cautious might be a more accurate word, because when you're ready, it's all guns blazin'!
I wonder what must be going through your mind growing up as a little brother. Neither your dad nor I understand quite what that must be like, but we sure do love watching your relationship bloom. You are the first to stick up for Gabriel, who can find himself in a bit of trouble these days. The two of you show similar interests in such different ways, and I look forward to learning more about what makes you YOU!
This year, your favorite color is red, and your favorite song is still Somewhere Over the Rainbow (maybe I need to expand my repertoire of bedtime songs). You spent the fall semester of preschool at Bright Horizon's in Texas and the spring semester at the Tacoma Children's Museum Preschool. Both are beautiful examples of high quality early childhood education, and your adaptability amazes me! You love riding your little red bike, swimming at the Y, playing with Magna Blocks, watching Dinosaur Train, pretending to be a super hero, shark, fire man, etc., and you love playing soccer...at least in the back yard. You may have reluctantly stepped on the field a couple of times during fall soccer in Texas, and I think your little foot may have even made contact with the ball once! Again, when you're ready...
Dear beautiful boy, I pray you grow to be a strong man of God; strong in your mind, body, heart, and spirit.
I Love You,
After visiting Medieval Times in Texas, your heart was set on having a knight birthday party. You sure do love a great party but aren't too keen on being the center of attention. Your little chin slowly disappears into your chest, eyes peeking up, each year when the birthday song begins and all eyes are on you. Whether it's a new school or swim class, you are super cautious and prefer to watch and evaluate before jumping in. I've learned to respect your process while still giving you a little nudge or some tough love to help you along the way. Some might call this shy, but those who know you well would more than likely disagree. Cautious might be a more accurate word, because when you're ready, it's all guns blazin'!
I wonder what must be going through your mind growing up as a little brother. Neither your dad nor I understand quite what that must be like, but we sure do love watching your relationship bloom. You are the first to stick up for Gabriel, who can find himself in a bit of trouble these days. The two of you show similar interests in such different ways, and I look forward to learning more about what makes you YOU!
This year, your favorite color is red, and your favorite song is still Somewhere Over the Rainbow (maybe I need to expand my repertoire of bedtime songs). You spent the fall semester of preschool at Bright Horizon's in Texas and the spring semester at the Tacoma Children's Museum Preschool. Both are beautiful examples of high quality early childhood education, and your adaptability amazes me! You love riding your little red bike, swimming at the Y, playing with Magna Blocks, watching Dinosaur Train, pretending to be a super hero, shark, fire man, etc., and you love playing soccer...at least in the back yard. You may have reluctantly stepped on the field a couple of times during fall soccer in Texas, and I think your little foot may have even made contact with the ball once! Again, when you're ready...
Dear beautiful boy, I pray you grow to be a strong man of God; strong in your mind, body, heart, and spirit.
I Love You,