A dol is a traditional Korean celebration for the first birthday where a child is blessed with a prosperous future. This ritual celebration originated due to a high infant mortality rate where it was a great milestone reaching the first birthday. Babies wear a hanbok (traditional dress) and a jobawi or gulle (traditional headgear) for baby girls and a bokgeon or hogeon (traditional headgear) for baby boys. The Doljabi is the highlight of a dol where a child is placed in front of food and objects and then urged to pick one. The item the child picks is believed to foretell their future. Guests are encouraged to guess what the child will pick and submit their predictions with a chance to possibly win a prize.
Carrot cake and little potted brownies
The florist at the DHL on post made her crown. It turned out beautifuly!
I stumbled across this picnic table at a Costco here in Seoul. It was my first experience nervously driving through the city while my friend, Brye, navigated. Driving in Seoul, figuring out how to have something delivered on post, and then getting the delivery truck through the visitor's gate was all as complicated as you might expect...but it can be done! It was a true adventure, but this table will be perfect for the couple of years we're here. IKEA is right across from Costco, so you can possibly see my motivation to drive for the first time and get a little taste of the US (and Sweden). The white tent, silver containers, and gardening tools are all from IKEA. Guests planted flowers as their favor.
My friend, Jennifer, and I made our way to the Seoul Flower Market the day before the party. She showed me how to use the bus system, and we got off at the main bus terminal where the flower market runs daily. It is a sight to see, and these lovely flowers brought the joy of spring into our home for almost two weeks!
These are beautifully detailed hanbok greeting cards & flowered wrapping paper made into an easy bunting.
We placed little glasses in front of each item for guests to predict what Mariam would choose. It's a great way for guests to feel included and invested, some more strongly than others as they cheered her on to their predicted item.
Above: Our sweet girl was not going to cater to our silly game and our ideas of what her future held. She simply laid down on the items and refused to pick any of them up. Good for you, my little free spirit! Who says you can't be a scholar, lawyer, artist, live a long life, and have abundance...or none of the above. Ultimately, Jamil placed the items on the table and held her while she picked up the pencil!!! There may or may not have been a little leaning or even guiding of her hand. Just kidding. Honey, all games aside, we believe that you can be whatever your little heart desires...with a few exceptions!
Below: Mariam's birthday gift was a Korean baby doll with her own hanbok. Adorable! These traditional shoes, that are too cute (and too uncomfortable) to wear, were used as a cake topper.

Cherry Blossoms were just beginning to bloom on the tree in our backyard! She was fascinated with the ones growing out of the trunk, so much so that it was impossible to get her to look at the camera. More pictures of cherry blossoms to come!
Sweet Baby Mariam,Happy 1st Birthday! We have wrapped up a year full with raw emotions of joy and pain and days full of stillness and adventure. You have found your perfect spot in this world, and we are honored and blessed to be your family!
After watching your big brothers grow from babies into little boys, I feel as though I have somewhat of a better understanding of how these days truly do fly by. With gratitude, I'm watching you grow from a slightly different perspective. Pausing as much as a busy mama can, I take joy in the simple moments that I know will pass all too quickly; the first time you reached for me, your sweet baby whispers, when you grab my cheeks with both of your tiny hands, holding you forehead to forehead, cheek to cheek. How can I feel so overwhelmingly blessed and scared all at the same time? Watching you pass each milestone and the quiet moments in-between are all so dear and precious.
Dada is your absolute favorite and only word. I mean, why learn in other words, right? Wrong! Whispering "Mama, Mama, Mama", into your ear throughout the day hasn't done the trick. The thought has crossed my mind to record it and play it while you're sleeping, but my desperation has not quite sunk to that level. Honestly, it's not that you have never said Mama. Dada was your first word at 5 months quickly followed by Mama. We were on an even playing field for about a month until I got the boot. I believe this may be your first of many psychological, mother-daughter, mind games, but I'll let you get away with this one.
You've stretched out many of your adorable baby rolls now, but you struggled to roll over until close to 6 months, which was about the same time you ate your first food, avocado. Rolling was quickly followed by sitting at 7 months. You've been a busy (and certainly resilient) girl vacationing in Canada, The San Juan Islands, Hawaii and Texas, and even moving to Korea all before your 9th month. You have four baby teeth, all of which came in around 9 months, and you crawled at 10 months. You stood by yourself for the whole family to witness on your first birthday. Albeiti, it was a matter of seconds, but we all went nuts. Walking is sure to sneak up on us soon, but mama's certainly in no hurry.
While reading, you anxiously turn pages in books, and your favorite book is, Green Hat Blue Hat, not my favorite, but you and your brothers all loved it. Your favorite songs are, "Dream a Little Dream" and "Lullaby and Goodnight". You've begun to dance to music, which I just adore! You go crazy when I hold you, dance, and sing, "My Humps". Clearly, I need to break that habit before you begin to understand the lyrics. Your sign language is picking up with, "all-done, more, bye bye, and eat". However, "all-done" is pretty standard for communicating all of the above, which does not help a mama out. On the other hand, you are extremely helpful by being such a fabulous eater, and bananas are clearly at the top of your list!
We just can't get enough of your expressions. Whether it be your huffing and puffing wrinkled nose "funny face", your wrinkled brow "mad face", blowing strawberries, clicking and exploring your tongue, sweet baby tickles and giggles, or the simple but undeniably fun game of peek-a-boo, girl, we are so in love with you!
Watching you and your brothers interact is a cherished and powerful gift, and my most treasured moments come from watching the three of you fall in love. You adore your brothers and have from the get go. They make you smile and laugh more than anyone else, and I simply can't keep those feet from kicking with excitement when you hear their voices. They could even break you in your early days, with your constant serious face. Let me tell you, you have these boys wrapped around your little finger, and they have you over the moon.
I Love You,