Sweet Baby Mariam,
Happy 2nd Birthday! I am overwhelmed thinking about the places you will go and even the places you have been over the two years of your life! You are simply a joy in our lives, we delight in you, and we are beyond blessed to have you in our family!
Your expressions are priceless, and your rosy-red cheeks and big, blue eyes make us want to eat you up. Your favorite songs are "Open Shut Them" and "Wheels on the Bus", as you love the hand motions. However, we have recently heard you begin to sweetly hum the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star/ABC's" and "Frère Jacques". Along with many other parents, we reluctantly have your favorite book, Moo, Baa, La La La!, memorized. Since day one, you have been a great eater and even surprise your teachers and friends at the amount and variety of food you gobble up. Unlike myself, I'm hoping you skip the picky eater phase all together. You love rides in the neighborhood on your tricycle and sliding at the playground. Your hair is still blond (from Mimi) and is finally starting to grow, into large ringlets nonetheless (from daddy). At Korean preschool, you're learning Hangul and the Korean culture of bowing to your teachers as you enter and leave. Shoes might be your favorite thing ever, and bracelets run a close second. Like mama, you have a slight obsession with accessories: shoes, purses, bracelets, necklaces, hats, and even your mask for the bad air quality!
These things make us laugh, but what is most endearing is your love for people. Friends and strangers hearts melt as you reach up to cuddle and share your love. You love babies and older boys, and as a mom, I can't help but worry about the future. Your brothers couldn't adore you more, and you're beginning to give them a run for their money! I hoped, with two older siblings, you would more naturally learn sharing skills. However, it appears that you have naturally learned toughness and fighting for justice. You pucker just your bottom lip, as if to pout, to give sweet kisses, and you love to pat backs to comfort and encourage. Daddy and you love counting your toes, and after catching your breath from his tickles, you can't help but ask for "mo" every time. Your chubby, little fingers must be full, as you have us all wrapped around them tightly!
Oh, the Places You'll Go is a treasured book not just for the encouragement it offers, but also for how it honestly portrays life's tough times. I hope you come back to this book, and many other works of literature throughout your life, and remember that through all of life's twists and turns, you are sure to live a life of gratitude. "Kid, you'll move mountains!"
I pray you grow to be a strong woman of God; strong in your mind, body, heart, and spirit.
I love you,