Sunday, June 24, 2012

Abraham's 2nd Birthday!

Roar! Growl! Shriek! Boo!
Our little Monster is turning 2!
Etsy offers many printable party packages, and I was able to order this one from Babystar Design.  The monsters were already on the invitation file, so I added the text using Google+ editing and printed the invites along with the party hats, food labels, banner, masks, water bottle labels, etc.  It required a lot of cutting but was super cute and affordable.  The invite project was a small step towards making my own... inshallah.
Come on in... if you dare!
 This cupcake station was a huge hit where the kids used icing and candy to create their own monsters!
Once I turned on the cartoon movie Monsters in Arabic (this movie and Abraham's monster backpack for school seem to be his inspiration for a monster birthday party), silence fell upon the apartment.  I thought we would have the movie on in the background for kids who wanted to take a little break from the activities, but every little-one raced to the couch and poufs.  I took a deep breath and was thankful for the few moments of calm.
I drew a pin the eye on the monster game, coloring wall game, and a pinata (all pictured below).  Despite the huge mail problem at the embassy this May, which resulted in none of the party favors and activities showing up until July, the party was a huge hit and Abraham was a happy little monster!  I actually prefer these homemade activities and will more than likely do them again in the future.
Hearing Happy Birthday sung in English, French, and Arabic is such a special gift!
Special thanks to Tera for most of the pictures above!

Sweet Abraham,

You have shed so much light into our lives for the past two years.  Where does the time go?  As your personality and language flourish, I've been thinking about how different life has been for you as a second child.  It has been such a gift to watch my babies grow up in different circumstances, in different parts of the world, and with different family dynamics.  You fit into our family just perfectly and add a dimension of love that cannot be described.  You have taken your role as the baby and the younger brother and ran with it, and we all love trying to keep up!

You can count to 10 in English and French (minus the number 4 in English).  Your gross motor skills are off the charts, as you attempt to keep up with Gabriel as much as possible.  Your no fear attitude keeps us on our toes.  I thought your language skills might fall behind, seeing that you're a second child, hear only French at school, and Arabic often at home.  However, you have thrived, and I love hearing you mix three languages!  Just lately, your vocabulary has taken off, which is such a miracle to witness.  Most of your sentences go up in pitch with each word and end with what sounds like a question mark.  It's quite funny.

You absolutely love your daddy (particularly his shoulder rides) but are still a momma's boy at heart.  I enjoy watching you and your brother build a relationship that you will cherish forever.  You two are beginning to have real conversations, and your daddy and I love to listen in.  You love your stuffed animal monkey, but it never quite made the cut as a security blanket.  You don't seem to have a lot of favorite things and are sometimes just so easy to please.  A sweet and drawn out "OK" flows from your mouth following most things we suggest.  However, you clearly love monsters, bread, apples, rain boots, trains, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and dancing.

You are a lover and a fighter... tough and compassionate.  I love that you love to cuddle, but watch out, because you can turn in an instant to hit, kick, grab, pinch, name it!  I guess that's survival with a big brother.  However, your sweet nature leads you to give quick apologies with hugs and kisses afterwards.  You wave at strangers on the street and kindly remember people by name.

I'm anxious to see what this next year has in store for you, but let's be honest, I'm also a little terrified.  We've been through the terrible twos with one little boy, so hopefully we'll all benefit from lessons learned.  You've given us a little taste of what's to come with a few tantrums and screaming fits.  Here's to another year (or longer) trying to avoid or handle those with dignity. ;)  Most importantly, here's to another year celebrating YOU!

I am thankful to be your mommy and pray that you grow to be a strong man of God; strong in your mind, body, heart, and spirit.



  1. What a cool party! I love the cupcake decorating station idea!
    Happy Birthday to your gorgeous little guy. Time sure flies, doesn't it?! :)

  2. What a very neat party! You are so creative, DeDe! Hope all is well with you guys!!

  3. Happy birthday to Abraham! It blows me away that he is two already. I remember anxiously awaiting his birth like it was just a few months ago. I love love love reading your blog and am continually amazed at the adventures you have. I especially loved your girls trip! How exciting and liberating for you (leaving your babies behind is always tough). Miss you and I pray you are all doing well!

  4. What a beautiful letter to your son, DeDe! I have been out of the loop and Mark just told me you have a blog! So I am catching up on all of your postings and just loving it. And am super impressed, you have quite the eye for design and it's just a pleasure to read and so fun to see all of your adventures. I am glad you have had so many great experiences along with the challenges. Blessings to you and your family.
