Saturday, September 26, 2015

Gabriel's 7th Birthday!

Mimi made it to Washington to celebrate YOU and enjoyed passing out cupcakes to all of your sweet friends!
The Blue Mouse Theater is just as quaint as the water color above, but it also has quite the quirky side, regularly showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show with a live cast of actors in front of the screen.  It's an adorable neighborhood theater on Proctor Street built in 1923.  It shows second run movies at a discounted rate, and we just can't get enough!  Renting the theater was an affordable and wonderful way to support a local business we've grown to love, it could fit a large group of friends and families, and we could pick any movie!  We decided that a classic 80's film would be exciting for your friends and their parents to see on the big screen.  Daddy and I reminisced about all the movies from our childhood...Big, Back to the Future, The Princess Bride, The Karate Kid, The Goonies, Ghostbusters, The NeverEnding Story, Adventures in Babysitting...the list goes on, and we couldn't wait to share them with you.  Out of all of these, daddy was most excited about Gremlins...can you imagine a theater full of 5, 6, & 7 year olds?  Without further ado, the movie we chose is...ET!

Sweet Gabriel,

You have kicked off year 7 with a bang!  You are blossoming as a student in first grade and growing into quite the writer.  You get your hard work ethic from your daddy but also your perfectionism.  You are learning that it is okay to make mistakes as long as we embrace the opportunity to learn from those mistakes.  Mrs. Setti and Mrs. Wright have been a godsend in providing the structure and challenge you need within the beauty of a Montessori environment.

Your favorite color is black "and sometimes very very dark grey", which you clearly but so cutely stole from The Lego Movie's Batman.  Your favorite book is The Day the Crayons Quit, but daddy sneaks in as much Shel Silverstein as possible.  When you grow up you would still like to be an architect, and you would make an amazing one!  Melting Beads are hangin' in there as a favorite, but legos have taken the first place toy slot.  You've found a great balance between following the directions and using your "Master Builder" skills.  After aunt Leila gifted you a camera, we discovered that you have quite the eye for photography, even laying down in public to get just the right angle.  Your favorite bedtime song is "Dream a Little Dream of Me", but you have developed a love for pop music.  Your dad and I giggle as we listen to you sing in the back seat, and you seem to have my knack for remembering lyrics.  Daddy even learned one of your favorite songs on the guitar.  One day you will be able to accompany him with your emerging piano skills; we clearly have ridiculous visions of touring as a family band one day.

It's amazing to me that in less than 2 years, you have developed friendships all throughout this community.  Your personality shines and you draw people to you with your zest for life.  Through school, swimming at the Y, Nortac soccer, Urban Grace, and JBLM we have met so many wonderful families, and you have learned the value of friendship.  However, the most endearing relationships are those with your siblings, and I am honored to witness you three falling in love with each other each day.  You and your brother are finding a balance of being best friends and fierce competitors.  You and your sister are free to dote upon and admire one another, and you are clearly smitten in the sweetest way possible.

We have been so proud to watch you embrace who you are by channeling your passion and intensity in education, sports, and music.  With your intense love also comes an intense fire, and it will forever be a life lesson learning to manage those fires into beautiful light.  Son, like in the song we learned to sing to Mariam, "Now you're shining bright, so bright!" Echosmith, Bright

Happy birthday sweet boy!  I am so thankful to be your mommy, and I pray you grow to be a strong man of God: strong in your mind, body, heart, and spirit.

I Love You,

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