Friday, June 14, 2013

Ouzoud Falls

I have a slight fascination with waterfalls.  Who doesn't, really?  As soon as we read about Morocco's waterfall, located in the village of Tanaghmeilt, I was giddy to plan a trip to see it at its best in the spring.  We're wrapping up our third and last spring in Morocco, so Ouzoud Falls quickly scooted up our travel list.  Like other secluded places in Morocco, it's quite a long and difficult trek through many small villages and up and down winding and unmarked Atlas roads.  It's funny how these roads seem so adventurous on the way there and so torturous on the way home.  Regardless, Ouzoud Falls is definitely well worth the effort!
As you can see, Gabriel was slightly disappointed to find out that our family would not be riding on a jury rigged raft into the waterfall...
The boys enjoyed climbing on rocks and throwing whatever they could get their hands on into the water.  While they were occupied, I stepped out on a limb (literally) by crossing this bridge to get a different view and to, quite frankly, get a moment of alone time, take a deep breath, and enjoy this magnificent piece of nature.
We walked back up the path which a local said included 700+ steps, but Gabriel and I lost count.  Moroccan handcrafts dawned the trail as well as small cafes cooking with tagines on individual, concrete grills.  Back at the top, we took in more amazing views and hopped back in the car for dinner at our kasbah hotel. 
After a lovely day at the waterfall, we spent two nights relaxing at a kasbah hotel surrounded by peace and nature.  We opted for one of the hut-like rooms that surround the pool in the gardens behind the kasbah.  We played hind & seek, tag, soccer, and read as we soaked in the sun and felt far from civilization.  Jamil even got a break from cycling indoors and on the dangerous Rabat streets.  He definitely cherished his peaceful ride through the mountains.  It was a true vacation for our bodies and our souls and left us longing for more.
Ouzoud Falls...check!  Our Moroccan check list is pretty full after 2+ years.  However, it still seems nearly impossible to see it all.  Here's to the amazing destinations that have made it into the memory book thus far!

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